In The Garden; Spring Rain and Daffodils

daffodils in field closeup


Dear Daffodil,

I have deep regrets that I did not pick you a few days ago, at your peak .


Daffodils in vase


– To have snipped your stem and set your shapely beauty in a slender vase.


daffodils field with oak vertical


But the sun was low and you were so lovely,

with your grassy companions, blooming brightly around the oak.


field of Daffodils in setting sun


-and now, the storm has come and you are sopped and sogged and solemn.

– petals soaked with the heavy weight of rain.


daffodils after rain



But I dare to hope — that maybe you enjoyed the caress of the life-giving moisture

and found the rhythm of the droplets –the tap-tap-tapping– a delight.

Like a well-tendered massage from the sky.



daffodils after rain


Even  if, like a good hangover,

it has left you with a tattered and heavy head.


white and pale yellow daffodils


Now, with your face cast-down and translucent,

-droplets dripping like jewelry from your pelted, party-worn petals –


daffodil petal poem


you seem to be locked in a longing look,

with the very earth from whence you came.


Like a lingering, bittersweet farewell between parting lovers.



daffodils after rain


Sorry, but I just had to write that to mourn the loss of some of my beautiful daffs in last weeks rain. Even though, the very wet winter we finally had, has meant a particularly happy display of flowers this year.

The cheerful presence of daffodils and other spring bloomers generally perks up our spirits at this time of year and lets us think happy sunshine-y thoughts for the season ahead. Life is full of balance and the garden cycle moves ever onward.

Here are a few things to know to get the most enjoyment of daffodils in your garden;


-Daffodils are large-flowered members of the genus Narcissus. Originally from Europe and North Africa, daffodils have undergone centuries of selection by gardeners. This long history results in many forms of the well-known flower structure, consisting  of a central trumpet or cup (aka corona) surrounded by a circle of 6 or more outer petals. The classic color is yellow with yellow, but there are many combinations of white, yellow, orange and  pinky-peach.

-Daffodils are easy for  winter-wet, summer-dry gardeners, and prefer to go un-watered and dormant after the leaves have withered. Plant the bulbs in fall in any sunny location, preferably in well-draining soil and enjoy the foliage and flowers in late winter and early spring.

-Big bonus; daffodils are  not bothered by deer or gophers and they make lovely cut flowers. Although it is best to keep only daffodils together in a vase, because the fresh-cut stems secrete a substance that is unappreciated by other types of blossoms.

–To enjoy them at their best….pick them before it rains.


Daffodils with oak landscape


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Categories: Enjoying the Garden


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4 Comments on “In The Garden; Spring Rain and Daffodils”

  1. Claudia Boulton
    April 2, 2017 at 11:10 am #

    Joy- What an elegant photo essay. I loved both the words and photos!

    • April 3, 2017 at 10:42 am #

      Thank you Claudia! It helped me to deal with the moment.

  2. April 6, 2017 at 4:13 pm #

    Re-reading this one again. Wonderful post. I did cut mine before that rain and the last ones are still out there but fading before this next storm. Jan

    • April 6, 2017 at 6:46 pm #

      So glad you got to enjoy them! Thank you for the kind compliment as well. -I have nice indoor bouquet today, picked just in time.

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